Freitag, 28. August 2009

The return: From Lignano to Udine - and back home by train

Today's options were

1) to go to Latisana by bike, wait for a train to Monfalcone, go on the train for a few minutes, wait for 45 minutes, go on another train for less than half an hour, wait for 15 more minutes in Udine, and take the train back home.

2) to go to Udine by bike and take the train back home.

We wanted to go for option 1, but arrived in Latisana 3 hours too early. So we made reservations for the train from Udine to Bruck an der Mur, had a few Spritz (with and without Aperol), and at 2pm, after the worst at noon was gone, took our bikes for 40 more kilometers to Udine, with the wind heading in our direction.

Today's hard facts:
Distance: 59.9 km
Avg speed: 18.1 km/h
Trip time: 3:19 hr (5.5 hr total)
Altitude: 138 m (Udine)
Route: Lignano - Latisana - Pocenia - Torsa - Mortegliano - Udine

In Udine, we had 1 hour time to get refreshed and a final Italian Espresso. Right now we are on the train to Bruck an der Mur. We had a soup and beer in the dining car, and should have enough time in Bruck to buy tickets and change trains for the last 35 min leg to Graz. The plan is to just drop our luggage at home, and head right to the Parkhouse to meet friends and celebrate our return from a wonderful vacation.

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